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Communicating The Business Value Of Design



As a product or service designer, your ultimate goal is to create something that provides value to both the customer and the business. Ideal situation is to ensure the business value of design is being communicated to both stakeholders and users. But how do you communicate that value to resonate with both parties? The key is to design with intentionality and purpose. Every element of your design should be included for a reason and contribute to the overall goal.

By focusing on the customer’s needs and making sure that the product is easy to use, businesses can create a valuable user experience that will keep customers coming back. But to make informed decisions about UX UI design, it is essential to understand how customer and business value can be communicated through design.

Consistent design process produces consistent results

When it comes to UI and UX design, the design process must be consistent across all projects to ensure that your crew is aligned and that your design fulfills the necessary standards. A constant design process produces consistent results because it allows for a more orderly and efficient design process. Having a set of steps to follow makes it easier to create a well-constructed and visually appealing product. Additionally, the consistency with which you develop your product will allow you to be confident that your designs are on brand and meet the demands of your consumers every time.

In design, the only way to reliably predict the consistency of results is by looking at the designer’s process. Tested processes bring more confidence to the table, amplifying designers’ ability to produce quality work consistently. Consistency also instills more trust in clients, helping them accurately predict the value that you will bring through your design.

With that being said, implementing a consistent design process and system calls for significant time investment. But when done right, it can also bring in considerable ROI in the long run.

What should you include in your design process?

– Define your design process and make sure everyone on your team is aware of it.

– Document every step of the process so that you can track your progress and make necessary improvements.

– Delegate tasks to different team members and establish clear deadlines to ensure that the project is completed on time.

– Use design tools and software to help you visualize your work and create prototypes.

– Test your product with real users to get feedback and make changes.

– Polish your design and present it to your client or boss for approval.

The value of design thinking in business

Good design dazzles. But great design functions. It is the simplicity of the solution where the beauty lies. Design thinking brings this ideology to all movings parts of modern-day organizations, helping design be the critical differentiator while responding to changing trends or dissecting consumer behaviors. The results are often competitive advantages that directly impact the bottom line.

Design thinking is a human-centered approach that starts with empathy for the people you are designing for and ends with tangible solutions that make their lives better. It’s a way of thinking and working adopted by everyone from Google to IDEO.

Design thinking is beneficial to businesses because it allows them to approach problems differently. Using design thinking, companies can develop creative solutions to issues that traditional methods could not solve. Additionally, design thinking helps businesses to see the potential in new ideas and makes it easier for them to understand the needs of their customers.

Communicating the value of design

One of the most critical responsibilities of a designer is communicating the value of design to those who may not understand its benefits. This involves demonstrating how design can improve customer and business outcomes in many cases. There are several ways to do this, but some of the most common methods include:

– Using data and analytics to show how design has improved specific metrics

– Conducting customer research to understand the impact of design on satisfaction, loyalty, and other vital measures

– Creating case studies that showcase how design has helped achieve business goals

– Sharing stories about the personal experiences of customers or employees who have benefited from good design

When done well, these and other techniques can be highly effective in demonstrating the value of design. In some cases, they may even be essential to winning support for design initiatives within an organization.

Throughout the design process, it’s essential to keep the client updated on your progress. You can do this by:

– Showing them early prototypes and mockups so they can provide feedback

– Sharing the results of user testing to demonstrate how the design is performing

– Keep them updated on your progress toward the final product

Once the design is completed, it’s essential to present it to clarify its value. This often involves creating a portfolio or pitch deck that showcases your best work. It may also include writing case studies or blog posts about the project.

Such activities can help you build a strong relationship with stakeholders and ensure that they understand the value of design. They can also help you win new clients and projects in the future.

Value of user testing with prototypes

User testing with prototypes is an essential part of any design process as it allows designers to get feedback from users early and often. This feedback can improve the product’s usability and ensure that it meets the needs of the intended target market.

This helps you identify potential problems and fix them before they grow into expensive issues. Prototyping is also an essential part of the design process, as it allows you to test different designs and see which ones work best. By using prototypes, you can ensure that your product meets the needs of your users and business objectives.

User testing with prototypes can be precious in understanding how customers and businesses value the design of a product or service. Prototypes can be used to:

– test customer reactions to designs

– understand what features are most important to customers

– measure how much value a design provides to customers and businesses

Factors to consider when designing a test plan:

First, you need to decide on the goals of your testing.

– What do you want to learn from your tests?

– How would you like to improve your design?

– What are your biggest concerns about the design?

Once you have decided on your testing goals, you need to create a test plan that will help you achieve those goals. Your test plan should include:

– a description of your prototype

– the customer demographics you plan to test with

– the specific tasks or scenarios you want customers to complete while using the prototype

– a description of how you will measure customer satisfaction and business value in your tests.

Finally, you need to decide how you will analyze the results of your tests and what changes you plan to make to your design based on the user feedback. User testing with prototypes can be a valuable tool in your design process, but it is vital to plan your tests carefully to get the most out of them. By taking the time to understand your goals and create a detailed test plan, you can ensure that your user tests are providing valuable insights that will help your design improve.

How to increase the business value of design

Too often, design is seen as an afterthought or simply a way to make things look nicer. However, good design can provide a lot of value to businesses by helping them achieve their objectives.

There are several ways that you can increase the business value of design:

– Start by understanding your customer and the business value that they require.

– Then, design to create value for your customers (as well as their customers).

– Make sure that the design is communicated effectively to stakeholders.

– Continuously measure and optimize the design to ensure that it’s delivering value.

– Finally, think about scaling the design to maximize its impact.

By following these steps, you can boost the design’s commercial benefits and create tangible results for customers. When communicating customer and business values through design, clarity is vital. Your designs must be easily understandable and convey specific values. You can do this with effective communication with stakeholders and continual measurement and optimization of design effectiveness.

Design can have a massive impact on businesses. But it’s important to remember that value is not always quantifiable. Sometimes, design’s most important value is intangible, such as improving customer satisfaction or building brand equity. However, by keeping the customer and their business value at the forefront of your mind, you can ensure that your designs are always helping to achieve specific business objectives.

Ten pillars to communicate the business impact of design

Businesses today are under pressure like never before to showcase the value of their design efforts. Now more than ever, companies need to be able to communicate the business impact of their design efforts. They need to show how design makes customers happier, saves money, or helps the company reach its goals.

The design has always been about solving problems and creating value, but often it’s been challenging to quantify that value. So here are ten pillars or metrics to track to quantify, measure, and communicate the business impact of design to all stakeholders:


You are measuring the impact of design on the increase in the number of visitors who take the desired action, such as clicking a button, filling out a form, buying a product, or signing up for a service.


Increase the size of the customer base or the amount of business done and/or revenue generated by the product or service by making it more appealing to customers or easier to use.


Reduction in customer churn (the rate at which customers stop doing business with a company) and increased customer lifetime value (CLV) by making the customer experience more seamless and valuable.


Increase customer satisfaction and improve the Net Promoter Score (NPS) by making the product or service more appealing, easier to use, and solving more of the customer’s needs.

Brand Perception:

Improve brand perception by making the product or service more visually appealing, differentiated, and memorable. Improving the way customers perceive the brand, making it more trustworthy, credible, and/or likable.


It makes the product or service easier to use, reduces the number of steps it takes to do what the customer wants to do or eliminates errors and friction points. Also, you can increase usability by making the product or service more intuitive and engaging.


Increasing the number of time customers spend using the product or service or the number of times they come back to it makes it more engaging, compelling, personalized, relevant, or interactive.


Reducing the amount of time and money spent on maintenance and troubleshooting makes the product or service more reliable, intuitive, and error-free. This could include anything from making an app more stable to reducing the number of customer support calls or making it simpler to upgrade to a new version.

Learning Curve:

Making it easier for customers to learn how to use the product or service. This could include providing helpful tutorials, making the interface more intuitive, or adding more prompts and incorporating feedback.

Number of Errors:

Reducing the number of errors customers make when using the product or service. This could be done by making the interface more user-friendly, adding more validation checks, providing more helpful error messages, reducing the number of clicks needed to complete a task to design for human error, and adding helpful prompts and feedback.


The bottom line is that design is a critical part of any business and should be treated as such. By understanding and communicating the value of design, businesses can make a case for investing in design and ensure that their design efforts deliver the intended business value.

Businesses need to think beyond just making things look good when designing. Design can impact the bottom line by increasing conversions, growing the customer base, reducing churn, and improving satisfaction. By focusing on business value, you can ensure that your design efforts pay off in ways that matter most to your organization.

In today’s competitive marketplace, companies must focus on creating unique customer experiences that differentiate them from their competitors. They need to design their products, services, and overall customer experience to be both meaningful and valuable to customers. And, if you need expert help, please reach out to us. 

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